I still can’t entirely wrap my head around this amazing article. You’ve probably seen this illusion: (also called the Muller-Lyer illusion) If you are like me, the line on the left probably looks LONGER to you than the line on the right. (The two lines are actually the same length). If you were like me…
Read moreMonth: February 2013
I saw the picture with the shoes earlier in the week and initially had a feeling that this photo might be somehow relevant to UX design. However, as I’ve thought about it, the line of shoes is really just a low-tech version of the “take a number” machines encountered at delis and shops. And yet…
Read moreIf I knew then what I know now…
I met with a new student in the IAKM program last night to talk about how she can make the most of the next two years and give herself the best foundation for her newly chosen field. It gave me a fun opportunity to come up with a list of “If I knew then what…
Read moreNot new, but worth remembering
I guess this is the blogging equivalent of an OH (overheard) tag on Twitter, but I’m compelled to capture this. This is a lesson I’ve heard in digital experience research, but I’ve found it useful in all aspects of life: “Instead of assuming that people are dumb, ignorant, and making mistakes, assume they are smart,…
Read more“Uncategorized”
I am still in the extreme novice phase with WordPress, so I haven’t made an in-depth study of this but as you can imagine the “uncategorized” label just hanging out gives me the hives. And also reminds me of yet another book I need to read (so far this blog would be better titled: books…
Read more“the conscious mind is simply not running the show”
“How these research studies are done is at sharp odds with what science now knows. The elephant in the room is that the vast majority of our decisions are made unconsciously. What is a no-brainer for any cognitive scientist remains mind-boggling to marketers. The conscious mind is simply not running the show, but we’ve created…
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Contextual Inquiry as an agent of organizational change
I met with a prospective client today and I went in with the idea that the issue at hand was conducting user research to better understand the needs of several under-served user populations so that future-state planning could be done to draw these audiences in. As we talked one of the things that came to…
Read moreInaugural Blog Post
Like every third person on the planet, I’ve long been thinking about creating a blog but I’ve been torn between the competing desires of not wanting to commit to daily care and feeding vs. the fact that I frequently have links and resources I want to capture, both for myself and to share, and sometimes…
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